On the Pegs - June 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 - Issue 6 | Page 97

the electric bike , one that ' s totally electric , there ' s no way for them to stall . It ' s just a total advantage that they have over the gas bikes . I would say that they should just get rid of it . If you stall your bike then you can restart it ; if you put your foot down , it ' s just another point and you gotta get re-situated because maybe you dabbed on the right side and your kickstarter ' s on the right side . you have to be able to pick your foot back up and restart it and it ' s still challenging . We ' ll see what they end up deciding .
By taking care of my kids [ laughs ]. I don ' t give many opportunities to practice , usually just on the weekends . I have to give a big shout out to my wife , Whitney Fastle , because she sacrifices a lot to let me still be able to do this and get out and practice for a few hours on the weekends while taking care of our three kids . I definitely wouldn ' t have any opportunity to practice if it wasn ' t for her effort .
I ' ve been trying to focus on what I can do during the week when I don ' t really have time to get out and ride . A lot of that ' s trying to eat healthy and exercise , whether I ' m getting out riding a bicycle or just doing little workouts at my house . I ' m just trying to maintain my fitness and my health that way so that I can maximize the time that I do get on
VOL . 6 ISSUE 6 - JUNE 2021 // PAGE 97