On The Pegs June 2020 - Volume 5 - Issue 6 | Page 130

On The Pegs 130 (2) eating a snack or drinking commercial sports drink 2 to 3 hours before exercise, and finally (3) drinking a fluid replacement (i.e. a sports drink) 1 hour before exercise. The following chart provides examples of foods, beverages, and commercial sport products and the recommended ìtime before exerciseî in which they should be consumed. 3 to 4 hours before the event Each food represents ~200 kcals & ~50 gm carbohydrate * Cranberry, Orange, or Apple juice * Stone-wheat thins * Cream of wheat or Oatmeal* Couscous, white or brown rice, or barley * Powerade or Cytomax * Raisin bran * All-bran * Bran muffin * Corn, * Peas * Regular or sweet potato * Boost or Ensure * Kidney beans * Chick peas * Bananas * Pears * Apples * Strawberries * Peaches * Dried apricots * Lentil soup * Pasta (no sauce) * White or chocolate milk (low-fat) * Yogurt (low-fat) * Sucrose or fructose * Energy bars