On the Pegs - July 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 7 | Page 74

and I was nearly last out of the first turn ,” said Steward . “ Eventually , I was able to catch up to Ben , and I just kind of stalked him all day . I had a couple of lines picked out where I thought I might be able to pass him , and I knew I had to be close in this one section . With two laps to go , I ended up getting close , but I ended up getting a cable caught around my rear brake lever and I broke it off . It was just a major transition trying to go fast with no rear brake , but it ’ s something I practice at home , riding with no rear brake . This is just the first time I ’ ve ever had to use it .”
“ I got into the lead there at the end of the first lap and led all the way to the sixth lap ,” said Kelley . “ Stu was right there all day , but I was holding strong , and he had a sneaky little line and got by me . I missed it ; I wasn ’ t able to see it and that was all she wrote . I was tired at the end , and the track was tight , rough and super rutted , so it was tough to make passes after that , but I held strong for second .”
With this win , Baylor is slowly gaining series points on Kelley , although Kelley still holds the lead after this event .
Magna1 Motorsports Husqvarna ’ s Jordan Ashburn was able to make his second podium of the season , coming from a fifth-place position on the first lap to round out the podium when he saw the checkered flag .