On the Pegs - July 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 7 | Page 146

A big thanks goes to Beta USA and Dunlop for stepping up and providing great support . We would also be remiss in not thanking Mike Damm with Trials Superstore for coming out a couple times , helping riders , and always being willing to answer questions and provide good advice .
The benefit of having this park at OMC is to really help bring trials out in the open , and to provide a convenient place to ride . When we initially started riding there , we had motocross riders come over and watch , absolutely loving having this addition to the club . Some had never even seen a trials bike in person ! But of course they have seen the YouTube videos and watched expecting some live action replay .
Uh , no .
Then came Ryan Young . We first reached out to Ryan back in 2019 to do a school in Idaho . Unfortunately at that time he couldn ’ t make it out here . Then in 2020 , not doing schools at the time , Ryan recommended Pat Smage for a school . Heck yeah !! But it was 2020 … and COVID … and NATC had to cancel the entire series … and Pat couldn ’ t come out despite his best efforts .
Fast forward to 2021 and Ryan was back to teaching and more than willing to come to Idaho and make
Great group of riders learning from Ryan Young ; Mike MacKeage