On The Pegs July 2019 - Volume 4 - Issue 7 | Page 72

On The Pegs 72 and ten minutes to make it back. Go, go, go!” You just go. You park your bike. You check on the section. Jump on the motorcycle really quick. Go, go, and you’re al- ways like… For example in the Scottish they give us fifteen minutes to eat a damn hot dog and a Milky Way bar, while in Santigosa they give you thirty minutes. So we decided to give thirty minutes plus; we are also going to involve cultural things. For example, on the parade, we’re going to have a lot of national folklore people dancing and different things. On day one we will visit a mill, so riders go through a very old sugar mill that processes sugar cane. Riders can see that and push and make juice and drink a little, because it’s kind of like a booster, and then keep on going. Riders will have fifteen minutes there. Then on day three riders will be able to - on this river that I’m telling you that is full of ponds and waterfalls - it gets humid so people say, “Oh, man, I wish I could jump in that waterfall.” Well, hey! We will have one area where riders come, they give the card, and the judge will say, “Okay, you have fifteen minutes. If you want to jump, go crazy.” They can actually jump in. So it’s kind of fun at the same time, but it is a competition. So we are adding that. Another example is on day two they have the raft you’ve maybe seen in a photo that it’s been circulating - that picture has been all over the world.