On the Pegs - January 2022 On the Pegs - Volume 7 Issue 1 - January 2022 | Page 167

while the bigbore beast still showed a competitive potential . After Torsten Hallman ' s first 250cc world title in 1962 , sales of motocross machines picked up in the following year . Husqvarna made a nice replica and sold a hundred units of this bike , mainly in Sweden , Norway and Finland . We were now in the beginning of 1963 when the replicas hit the market and the demand for this machine was higher than expected .
The newcomer was by far the best and most competitive motocross product for sale on the market . As there also were substantial leftovers from the production of the Silver Arrow , sales continued with this unit until 1965 , when street machines were abandoned for good . At least , that was the thinking from the management in Huskvarna .
As a result , things looked
VOL . 7 ISSUE 1 - JANUARY 2022 // PAGE 167