On the Pegs - January 2022 On the Pegs - Volume 7 Issue 1 - January 2022 | Page 137

riding up and down hills , rocks , creek beds , and log crossings .
Training even continued through lunch break , where discussions turned to nutrition and specific fitness training tips to improve stamina . After lunch , instructors led a trail ride through the park to practice the skills learned earlier in the day , finishing with a " grill & chill " session .
" I ' ve been riding dirt bikes about seven years ," said participant Melanie Leslie . " I ' ve always had an adventurous spirit , but my family was never into motor sports . I started riding motorcycles when I met my husband in 1999 ; he ' s always been riding motorcycles of all types , and I was definitely excited about joining in .
" Dirt bike riding is so heavily male , so it ' s a rare chance to ride with a bunch of women . It ' s an opportunity to ride with people more at my level who have a similar perspective . Sometimes riding with men can be disheartening because they are so much faster ; it feels like there ' s no way to keep up . Of course I know there are plenty of really fast and skilled women out there , too , and I ' m looking forward to getting closer to that !!
" The class was great ! SEER laid out several short sections to practice specific skills ; my favorite part was the group ride at the end of the day , where I got the chance to put those skills to use . I also loved just having a bunch of women to ride with . Several of them were very good riders , and I could see that if they can do it , so can I !"
VOL . 7 ISSUE 1 - JANUARY 2022 // PAGE 137