On The Pegs January 2019 - Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Page 86

On The Pegs P 86 the last section. After some persuading and cheering up, we fixed the flat and I rode the last section. I cleaned the section. It was my only clean all day. I gave my dad a big hug, told him thank you, and have remembered that lesson ever since. I remember picking up my wife for our first date and her commenting about how awesome she thought it was that I rode dirt bikes and her brother and fa- ther had guy crushes on me. I remember taking her out on her first trials bike and teaching her the basics of trials. I remember surprising her with her own Sherco 125cc. I remember going and practicing together and laughing all the while as she got her front tire stuck in every hole there was. I remember minding for her as she won her first national championship 8 months after she started riding tri- als at the Trials Training Center. These experiences have helped me develop greater relationships with my fam- ily. However, most sports can do that. Trials takes it one step further. The com- munity of trials is one big family. The charity and love that exists between the competitors of trials baffles me every time I witness it. I believe it comes from the interaction people have while they are competing in trials. In most other pow- ersports, you are racing against each other when you compete and have very little interaction with people during the competition other than getting roosted