On the Pegs - December 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 12 - December 2021 | Page 44

boulder . These mishaps can injure the rider , or cause a bike issue that needs immediate attention . You , as a rider , need to have the mechanical aptitude to assess a problem when it arises and figure out how to fix the issue so you don ’ t have to wait all day on the paddy wagon . Though these situations can certainly arise in today ’ s offroad competitive environment , it feels more commonplace to have quick mechanical access . There are
also safety concerns that need to be addressed , which I ’ m sure the internet will have a lot to say about .
The second mishap I had to face on the trail happened in the last test of the day , which I was riding slower than any other because I was stinking pooped . We had just joined back onto a trail we rode earlier in the day and BANG , the front wheel hit something , the bike started jolting while making the loudest