On the Pegs - December 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 12 - December 2021 | Page 119

unfortunately , it didn ' t really work out that way . I wanted to start with a little bit of a smaller group and I picked kids who I knew were already going to be at the youth nationals . I kept it small and manageable my first year so I didn ' t stress myself out too much ; I just wanted to have a crash course . Hopefully in the following year , or in years to come , we can keep building it and adding more kids . There is a headcount limit only because we have a limited number of beds at TTC and only so much funding . It ' s free for all the kids who get invited .
We ' re hoping to get something self-sustainable where maybe we ' re doing riding schools or fun trials and fundraisers to help fund stuff for the kids as far as food and gas and parts for the weeks we do these trainings . Hopefully we can keep building it and get some sponsors behind it and people who want to donate products to do raffles like we used to in the past , that ' s a lot of fun . We ' ll get a little bit more organized next year and plan ahead and try and get products to give out and donate and put them on as sponsoring the event so if any of you guys or any dealers want to be part of it , give me a call or shoot me a text .
VOL . 6 ISSUE 12 - DECEMBER 2021 // PAGE 119