On the Pegs - December 2021 On the Pegs - Volume 6 Issue 12 - December 2021 | Page 141

“ Personally , I was not worried . I was young and optimistic and had won my first Grand Prix during the 1961 season and the future looked promising . After a test ride for Greeves in November , I received a phone call from Ruben Helmin , the chief engineer at Husqvarna , saying ‘ We have managed to “ save ” some money from the chainsaw division , which is to be used for further development of the 250 model . We will also further enhance our efforts and make a new and competitive four-speed engine . Some money will also be spent on a 4-stroke 500cc project – with technician Nils Hedlund involved and contracting Rolf Tibblin as a rider . Would you be interested to ride the new 250cc Husky ?’
VOL . 6 ISSUE 12 - DECEMBER 2021 // PAGE 141