In this issue, we asked Tracey's family...
"What's the one thing you enjoy most about the winter holidays?"
This is the time of the year when we connect with family that we may have not seen for a while. My dad has a large family and it's always a blast for the cousins to reunite, act silly, play games, and "break-in" the new dating partners of all those who dare to bring them to holiday dinners with us.
Jessica, 24
(Tracey's daughter)
Windsor Mill, MD
Havre de Grace, MD
Hands down - the food! At this time of the year in our family, we love to get together and catch up with each other, but there has to be a menu in place first. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is or who's hosting the gathering, the number one question is, "What are you serving?"
Christopher, 25
(Tracey's son)
Atlanta, GA
As much as I love gifts, it's not the thing that I look forward to the most. It's the time with extended family that I really love. I think everyone in my family uses this time to let their inner comedian come out - and that's always fun!
CJ, 16
(Tracey's son)
Bel Air, MD