On The Path - January 2014 | Page 7

This type of questioning forces us to dig deep within. Going within helps us to really “unearth” that which we’ve buried in denial so that we can release the stronghold over our present and future. There is a saying that I simply love and it is this: “ YOU CANNOT HEAL WHAT YOU WILL NOT CONFRONT.”

Discussing the matters of the heart (fourth chakra) in my coaching sessions is necessary because I understand and know it to be very true that what shows up in your heart will certainly show up on your plate! No doubt about it. I say this from a professional viewpoint as a certified holistic health coach and from the viewpoint of a recovered “emotional eater”. Yes, food was most certainly my addiction for way too long. It was the best sedative for my aching heart! It was the best company on a lonely Friday night! It was the best façade for my fears!

Think about this.....Most people with fairly good common sense know that eating fast foods from some of the leading chains such as McDonalds, leads to all types of illness, including chronic ones. They know that the food is processed and “cooked” so to speak in a way that all of the saturated and trans fats end up in the arteries. So why can’t they make the decision not to stop at the drive-thru on their way home from work? Well, this is what I perceive. There is first and foremost an imbalance in the heart chakra, and that imbalance could be the result of a lack of “self-love”. When we love ourselves fully and unconditionally, and our temples, with its many flaws that we are so willing to point out, that love gently persuades us to do the right thing concerning our minds, bodies and spirits. Love of self supports you in making the right decisions for the health and wellness of your temple. Self-love encourages you to always seek the best for your body. Self-love knows and understands that the body is “already” working overtime, 24/7 to keep you healthy and strong. And any support it can receive from you, by choosing foods that promote good health, good digestion, and good immunity, only makes it that much stronger.

Let me help you to decode your plate by balancing the fourth chakra.......YOUR HEART !!!

Take care of your heart.