On The Market - Wirral's No1 Property Magazine May 2015 | Page 7
Bakewell Horner
“The Fleet is coming!”
And Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson added: “For
Pier Head throughout the day. 10pm: Amazing
months there has been a buzz around the city
Graces projections. The Colour Project’s state-
about the arrival of the three majestic liners on the
of-the-art installation is repeated from Saturday
Mersey. Hotel rooms have been snapped up and
evening. 10.30pm: Mid-river firework display.
people are travelling far and wide to take in this
Finish the evening with fireworks which will be set
maritime spectacle.
off from a vessel in the middle of the Mersey.
“Although the ships will only be together for a short
Monday, May 25
period of time on the Monday, there is a whole
10.45am: Queen Mary 2 leaves the berth to greet
programme of events taking place across the
her two sisters at Brazil Buoy – the area between
weekend to keep the expected huge crowds
Crosby Beach and New Brighton. This will give
people a second chance to see the Cunard flagship
on the move alone in the Mersey. Meanwhile the
Saturday, May 23
Queen Elizabeth arrives at the mouth of the Mersey
10pm: Amazing Graces.
from Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands, and the Queen
Free state-of-the-art projections will be beamed on
Victoria from Guernsey. Noon to 2pm: The Three
to the Three Graces, exploring the spirit of Liverpool.
Queens meet and sail in formation south towards
The three-night Amazing Graces is designed by
the ECHO arena, with the Queen Elizabeth leading
The Colour Project, one of the UK’s leading video
the procession followed by the Queen Victoria and
mapping and design companies, which is working
finally the QM2.
2.10pm: Queen Mary 2 leaves the city,
Queen Elizabeth berths at the Cruise Liner Terminal
and Queen Victoria anchors in the middle of the
Mersey. While the QM2 continues on her voyage to
Guernsey, and then Southampton, her sister ships
will remain in the river.
10pm: Amazing Graces projections. The final
chance to enjoy the light and projection show
complete with its Sea of Faces.
with the city and with Hope Street Ltd to produce
10.30pm: Mid-river firework display.
the event. Part of the projection is a ‘Sea of Faces’
Following the display, Queen Elizabeth leaves the
created using images of dozens of volunteers who
city, and Queen Victoria berths at the Cruise Liner
live, work or play in the city.
Terminal at the Pier Head.
Sunday, May 24
Tuesday, May 26
9am: Queen Mary 2 arrives in the city and berths at
The Queen Victoria remains berthed at the Liver-
Liverpool Cruise Liner Terminal. First glimpse of the
pool waterfront during the day. 4.30pm: A special
liner will be from New Brighton and Crosby beaches
musical sail-away performance takes place to say
at around 7-7.30am. While there will be an exclusion
goodbye to the final Cunard ship to leave Liverpool.
zone area around the three Queens when they are
5pm: Queen Victoria sails out of the city.
all sailing in the Mersey, Cunard says a flotilla of
Just as with the arrival of the Queen Mary 2, a flotilla
small boats is welcome as the QM2 arrives on the
of small ships is welcome to wave goodbye to the
Sunday. The Queen Mary 2 remains berthed at the
Queen Victoria.