On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 34 I March/February 2020 | Page 23

Here are our top food groups to include to help boost your mood: Wholegrains One of the key components of the Mediterranean diet is wholegrains. Grains, commonly referred to as ‘cereals’ or ‘cereal grains’, are the edible seeds of specific grasses. The term ‘whole grain’ is used to describe an intact grain, flour or a food that contains all three parts of the grain. Wheat, oats and rice are the grains most commonly eaten in Australia. Whole- grains are a fantastic source of dietary fibre. Fibre is the primary fuel source for the healthy bugs that live in our gut, and unfortunately less than 30% of Australian adults consume enough dietary fibre. A low fibre diet is the main driver of poor gut health. Good examples of whole-grains include: ƒ Dark seedy bread ƒ Seedy crackers ƒ Rolled oats ƒ Buckwheat ƒ Quinoa ƒ Bran ƒ Brown rice ƒ Wholegrains: ƒ Amaranth ƒ Teff ƒ Freekeh ƒ Spelt ƒ Maize ƒ Bulgur ƒ Millet ƒ Rye ƒ Barley Fruits and Vegetables Diets rich in plant-based foods reduce risk of anxiety, depression and low mood. We know that poor diet can lead to chronic low grade inflammation and that fruits and vegetables are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. Fruits and vegetables are high in a number of nutrients including a special group of antioxidants called phytochemicals as well as fibre. These are both some of the most health-promoting and disease- fighting nutrients which can only be found in plant foods. Plants contain thousands of phytochemicals which all have many beneficial roles in the body and for the brain. We also know they have a positive impact on our gut bacteria which play an important role in our stress hormones. Variety is key- a diet with a higher variety of fruits and vegetables has been shown to be more effective for improving our gut health and therefore potentially mood. Less than 50% of Australian adults eat enough fruit and less than 7% eat enough vegetables. which found improvements in rating of depression after 12 weeks of dietary modification which contained one serve of nuts per day Extra virgin olive oil Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is one of the key components of the Mediterranean diet. EVOO is the fresh healthy juice that is squeezed directly from the olive fruit. The better the quality of the olive fruit, and faster the juice is squeezed, the higher the quality of the oil produced. Extra Virgin olive oil is 100% natural – it is not refined or extracted using any chemicals or heat, leaving it high in natural antioxidants and healthy fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in special health-enhancing plant chemicals which give it its antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties. Contrary to popular belief, high-quality extra-virgin olive oil has a high smoke point because of its lower free fatty acid content. Including EVOO in your Mediterranean style diet (at least 2–4 tablespoons) per day can help reduce inflammation. Oily fish Consuming more omega-3 fatty acids has a positive effect on parts of the brain that play a role in mood and memory function and are anti- inflammatory. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the levels of healthful fats available to the brain and strengthen the protective layer around nerve cells. The best dietary sources are; ƒ Oily fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna, anchovies) ƒ Cold water fish (herring, salmon, sardines) ƒ Algae ƒ Seafood ƒ Nuts such as almonds and walnuts ƒ Flaxseed, flaxseed oil and chia seeds Nuts and seeds Studies show that consuming nuts regularly is a positive thing to do for your brain health. In fact, nut consumption is linked to better cognitive function, improvements in mood, enhanced memory, learning and attention capacity. Nuts contain polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients which have essential roles in aspects of brain health. Opt for raw and unsalted varieties. Several studies have found associations between the consumption of nuts with a lower risk of depression , including the SMILES intervention trial Take home message We are only really starting to scrape the surface when it comes to understanding the important role diet has on our mental health and wellbeing. Increasing our intake of plant-based foods such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole-grains, nuts and seeds and omega-3 rich foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds can have a positive effect on mood by calming down inflammation, clearing up oxidative stress and improving our gut health. Likewise limiting our intake of processed foods, added sugars and saturated fat is important for improving our moods and mental health and protecting against anxiety and depression. Nicole is a passionate sports nutritionist and Accredited Practising Dietitian who established her practice Eatsense in 2013 as she has a burning desire to help people, see them happy and watch them thrive. Her vision is to help as many people learn to prioritise themselves, feel their best, enjoy delicious and nourishing food and live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life through her one on one consultations and seminars. Contact Nicole at her West Gosford Clinic on 4323 9100. MARCH/APRIL – ISSUE 34 23