On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 33 I January/February 2020 | Page 30

on the coast happenings Colongra Bay Community Cafe N o r t h e r n L a k e s N e i g h b o u r h o o d C e n t r e , 1 C o l o n g r a B a y R o a d , L a k e M u n m o r a h O p e n f r o m 1 2 n o o n t o 1 : 3 0 p m Café open on Thursdays in 2020: 13th February 9th July 12th March 13th August 2nd April 10th September 14th May 8th October 11th June 12th November 10th December for Xmas RSVP—To book Please call 0432 580 059 and leave a message. This cafe is a partnership with Job Centre Australia, Southlake Marketplace and Uniting - Northern Lakes Neighbourhood Centre and United Munmorah Bowling Club. The Halekulani VIEW Club Wyong Writers Wyong Writers are a group of friendly, like-minded people who meet every month to discuss all aspects of writing. We operate under the umbrella of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, which has been an entity since 1928. At Wyong Writers, members meet to encourage and develop their writing skills in a friendly and non- judgemental environment. We come from different backgrounds and varying age groups. A variety of interesting topics are discussed in the annual programme. This enables the individual to ‘unlock the writer within.’ Each monthly meeting has a different theme such as poetry, memoir writing, short story or novel writing and may include a talk by a visiting author. Members have the opportunity to enter in-house and state competitions. Members can bring a piece of writing to be critiqued by the group. This is always done in a positive way so the author is given useful and respectful feedback. Recently, we were grateful to receive a Local Council Grant which has enabled us to create an anthology of short stories. The book is titled ‘Central Coast Stories of Community and Belonging.’ There are 23 fictional stories in the book, each with a different theme. They involve stories about local life-saving, volunteering, diving, cafe life, festivals, and many local places of interest. They are tales for all age groups, moving and inspiring. The books are now available for sale. Visit our website for details www.wyongwriters.org Local writers meet monthly to encourage & develop their writing skills. sponsors seven Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively Meeting on 4th Saturday of each month – arrive 1.15pm for 1.30pm start. involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith NO MEETING IN DECEMBER. Family programs. We are always open to new members, so please get in Woodbury Park Community Centre 1 Woolmers Crescent, Mardi The Halekulani VIEW Club was formed in 1978. Currently, the Club touch today and come and see what it’s all about. When: 3rd Friday of the month at 10.30am for 11.00am at Halekulani Bowling Club Contact: Chris – 02 4396 5631 Mob 0408 778 606 Email: [email protected] 30 ON T H E C OA S T – OVER 5 5 ENQUIRIES Mei-Ling Venning (Pres.) P 4333 7489 Email: [email protected]