On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 30 I July/August 2019 | Page 26

Menopausa l The transition BY DIANA ARUNDELL NATUROPATHIC PRACTITIONER A ll women over the age of 55 years will have experienced their own expression of menopause. Some will have naturally moved through the transition and for others, menopause may have been initiated by illness, medication or the surgical removal of the ovaries. The average age of menopause is 51 years (+/- 5 years). Menopause is considered premature if it occurs before the age of 40 years and it is uncommon as this only affects approximately 1% of women. Menopause may be diagnosed retrospectively when a woman has not had a period for 12 months. Intermittent patterns of menopausal symptoms often occur as a woman’s cycle begins to change in response to fewer eggs in the ovaries. This is referred to as ‘peri-menopause’ as menstruation is still present, even if unpredictable. Peri-menopause is often experienced from mid 40’s onwards and will show up as shorter menstrual cycles mixed in with unusually longer cycles, dysfunctional bleeding, hot flushes, sleep problems and emotional disturbance. There appears to be a genetic influence to the age of the onset of menopause when studying mothers, daughters and siblings. Most women will experience close to half of their life post menopause with some women continuing to experience A day trip to remember... Ride the Ferry and have lunch at the Davo! the effects of menopause longer term. For some the transition is relatively unremarkable however for others it can be a rocky ride requiring intervention to help support through the transition. 85% of women will experience more than 1 symptom with menstrual irregularity often being the first. Heavy or irregular bleeding is common due to fluctuations in estrogen production. As ovarian follicles diminish the responding production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone also reduces. Mid-cycle bleeding, bleeding after sex or significant bleeding that is ongoing should be investigated further. Ferry Trip & Lunch Package ONLY $30 per head Only 2 minutes’ walk from Woy Woy station the M.V Saratoga departs Fisherman’s Wharf Monday to Friday at 10.45am and 12.30pm and on the weekends 9.30am, 10.45am or 12.30pm for a relaxing ride on the beautiful Brisbane Waters. There is an option of a 1 ½ hour COCKATOO ferry cruise departing from 10:15am with return on the regular ferry at 1:15pm or 2:15pm. Inform the Boat Captain and he will ring the club prior to your arrival where the bus will pick you up from Davistown Wharf and bring you to Davistown RSL Club. The bus will then depart the club at either 1.00pm and 2.00pm for your return journey home. Bookings are essential. For more information contact Davistown RSL Club on 4363-0103 and Central Coast Ferries on 0418 63 13 13. Email [email protected] 2 Course Menu – Main & Dessert Minimum of 25 people For your next group booking look no further than Davistown RSL with a wide variety of choices. DAVISTOWN RSL CLUB 26 ON T H E C OA S T – OV ER 5 5 Highly Commended 2014 Chef’s Table