On the Coast – Over 55 Issue 29 I May/June 2019 | Page 12

What’s your Mammogram Personality? Do you get your screening free mammogram like a clockwork? Or are you a mammogram dodger? Which personality type can you relate to? Screening Superstar Mammogram Dodger Joy Allsworth, 75 from Forresters Beach Margaret Beardslee OAM , 60 “I was diagnosed with bilateral early breast cancers after a routine mammogram with the mobile BreastScreen van at Bateau Bay. Mammograms and imaging are your friends not your enemies. You can catch something early or rejoice if nothing is found. Either way you’re ahead of the game.” While breast cancer treatment has improved significantly over recent years, early diagnosis still leads to less invasive treatment and a greater chance of survival. Early stage breast cancer is less likely to require a mastectomy or chemotherapy, and has a 5 year survival of 99 per cent (compared with 25 per cent in late stage breast cancer). from Killarney Vale Screening mammogram is free for all women aged 50 to 74 years. The risk of breast cancer increases with age, with around 80% of breast cancer developing in women over the age of 50 and the average age of diagnosis is 61. Mammogram Procrastinator Spontaneous Screener Suzanne Grahame, 52 from Wyongah Heather Kozak, 52 from Bateau Bay “I had just turned 50 and during the year received three letters urging me to get a free mammogram. By the time the third one arrived, I started asking myself how many trees they were going to cut down because I hadn’t done it. So, I had my mammogram and was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer.” “I spontaneously decided to have a mammogram when I saw the pink BreastScreen van in the supermarket car park. My diagnosis came out of the blue. No pain, no lumps. I discovered this is fairly typical of DCIS, which rarely produces symptoms and is usually only picked up through screening.” Fact Fact Most screening appointments take 20 to 30 minutes, with the actual mammogram taking only a few minutes. With mobile BreastScreen vans located at shopping centres, you can fit in a mammogram before your shopping! “I had a regular visit scheduled to the breast bus (mobile BreastScreen van) and I was dodging it… thinking nah I don’t need it, it’s my fourth checkup and I haven’t had any problems. But a good friend of mine overheard the conversation, basically stuck a finger in my face and said ‘You get yourself down there and it doesn’t cost you anything and what have you got to lose?’” Fact Fact Screening mammogram is for women with no current breast symptoms. It can pick up cancers as small as a grain of rice, usually 2 to 3 years before a palpable lump develops. Research News A recent analysis, published in the journal Cancer, has found that screening mammogram along with improved breast cancer treatment has averted more than 483 000 deaths from 1990 to 2015. “Recent reviews of mammography screening have focused media attention on some of the risks of mammography screening, such as call-backs for additional imaging and breast biopsies, downplaying the most important aspect of screening — that finding and treating breast cancer early saves women’s lives,” says lead author Dr Hendrick. Mobile BreastScreen Van In May, the mobile BreastScreen van can be found in 3 locations across the Coast. For bookings call 13 20 50 or visit www.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au From 07/05/19 until 05/07/19 Grounds of CWA Hall, Woy Woy Until 17/05/19 Lake Haven Shopping Centre From 21/05/19 until 06/09/19 Bateau Bay Square The Central Coast Breast Cancer Compendiu m Ready! Set! Fight! Personal Stories of Breast Cancer on the Coast Read more about each of these women and their personal experience with breast cancer in The Central Coast Breast Cancer Compendium. A digital copy can be downloaded from Dr Mary Ling's website www.drmaryling.com.au. Hard copies are available from Blooms the Chemist at Erina Fair and Brisbane Waters Private Hospital. “I rode 60km during chemo for my 60th” Secret Symmetry Dr Mary Ling is a Breast and General Surgeon who consults at Gosford & Woy Woy www.facebook.com/drmaryling/ & 02 4321 0302 www.drmaryling.com.au 1 12 S E N I O R S O N T H E C OA S T The Family Curse