On the Coast – Families Issue 97 I December/January 2019 | Page 9
this gene and therefore the ability to
metabolise certain B vitamins. The
2 more common variations affect
C677C/T and A1298C and depending
on the expression, people with these
alterations reflect various degrees of
reduced enzyme activity. These people
have less active forms of enzymes
available to metabolise some of the B
vitamins therefore they may benefit
from supplementing with activated
forms such as folinic acid and 5-MTHF.
Methylcobalamin is the biologically
active form of B12 and is also important
for methylation.
Good methylation activity is linked
to healthy folate and homocysteine
metabolism which is important
for preventing cardiovascular and
neurological disease amongst many
others. High homocysteine is recognised
as a major independent risk factor
for both cardio and cerebrovascular
disease so reducing homocysteine levels
via adequate functioning levels of B
vitamins, can improve health outcomes
in these areas. High homocysteine
levels and low B vitamin status has also
been associated with increased risk of
Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate
which is often found in supplements and
fortified food as it’s cheap and stable,
5-MTHF is the form predominantly
found in nature and the human digestive
tract, folinic acid is also found naturally
in foods and some supplements and is
more bioavailable than folic acid. Foods
high in 5-MTHF include green vegetables
such as broccoli, eggs
Foods high
and legumes. Ideally
in 5-MTHF include
our nutritional stores
need to come from
green vegetables such
our food intake
however sometimes
as broccoli, eggs and
the demand of certain
nutrients by the body
is more than what food
can provide, and at those
times supplementing may be
cancer it may be worth checking for
MTHFR gene variations via a blood
Humans require folate for healthy
test as this can assist in a more specific
cellular function and because we
preventative treatment plan and identify
can’t synthesise it, we require it from
if activated forms of B vitamins are
our diet. If we have an alteration on
one of our genes which is involved in
It’s important amidst all of this to
folate metabolism, dietary folate and
remember we are not made up of just
the synthetic form folic acid may not
one or two chemical pathways. We are a
be effectively converted to a useable
complex ‘being’ comprising a myriad of
form in the cells and may even lead to
pathways of which we don’t know how
a build up of unconverted folic acid in
much we don’t know about the human
the body which potentially can lead to
body. It’s important to treat our health
other health issues. This is currently
and our body as a whole and not simply
being researched further. Therefore
treat a single disease or pathway. There is
supplementing with the activated form
no such things as a ‘magic’ pill natural or
5-MTHF will ensure better absorption
pharmaceutical that will ‘fix’ everything
as well as bypassing any potential
to do with our health. All of our systems
bioavailability issues associated with
are interconnected and we can’t treat
a genetic variation affecting folate
one organ or system without affecting
another, therefore ultimate health
If there is a strong family history
and wellness is a result of a wholistic
of cardiovascular disease, adverse
healthcare approach.
pregnancy outcomes, mood disorders or
Diana Arundell is a university-qualified naturopath and consults from her Avoca Naturopath clinic.
She has a special interest in fertility and pregnancy health, digestive health, immune function and
family wellness programs. She was a nutrition lecturer at Macquarie University for 10 years, and is an
accredited Journey Practitioner.