On the Coast – Families Issue 96 I October/November 2019 | Page 40

Willow’s story W illow is a feisty and determined little girl with an I CAN DO IT attitude. She was born at 11 weeks premature and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of 7 months. She is now nearly 4 years old, a little sister to Ava and a big sister to Indy living with her dedicated parents Kirk and Tara Thompson on the Central Coast. 40 KIDZ O N T H E C OA ST Willow has quite the busy schedule, which consists of weekly therapy appointments and activities such as horse-riding and music therapy. Since a young age her parents have made sure she has been given every opportunity to become as strong and independent as she possibly can be, this meant her mum has stayed home to dedicate her days to coming up with fun and playful therapy ideas at home. These play ideas have been shared on their instagram account @willows_cpjourney in hope to assist other special needs families on a similar journey. This has taken off and led to the production of e-books, resources and blogs which assist further in helping others with the overwhelming and consuming world of special needs therapy. Professionals and therapists in the field are often getting in contact with Tara to thank her for sharing her ideas as they too are finding them useful. Feeling hopeful with the future Willows parents were sure they could keep helping Willow to make gains and