On the Coast – Families Issue 92 | February / March 18 | страница 4

Editor : Simone Evans simone @ kidzonthecoast . com . au
Art Director : Debbie Elliott debbie @ kidzonthecoast . com . au
Printing : Spotpress Pty Ltd – 9549 1111
Publisher : Phone : 4325 3393 Debbie Elliott – Ph : 0421 026 915 Simone Evans – Ph : 0413 186 431 trading as Kidz on the Coast
ABN 66 765 066 257 54 Hills Street , North Gosford 2250
Distribution : Presstrans Pty Ltd 0411 492 809
Photographer : Bloom Photography Phone : 0405 546 618
Cover Model : Ing Image Images : ingimage . com
Contributors : Diana Arundell , Sarah Tolmie , Laura Kiln , Kate McDonald , Catherine Schasser , Lisa Jenkins , Katharine Duck , Julie Hale

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6 Step back and press pause
8 The value of work
12 Follow your gut
20 Lyme Disease
22 Bullying
26 The wind in the tent flys
28 New film releases
30 Whats on

Welcome to the February / March Issue

Life is fragile and every day should be celebrated and treasured – this has hit home to me more so than usual as we farewelled a dear friend last week , who had a brief and courageous fight with cancer . This time last year , she was happy and healthy , loving life and working fulltime . Then in March she found out she had terminal cancer . It was frightening , hideous and so gut wrenching to watch her decline , but we made the most of this time , laughing about good times , sharing nourishing food and just being together . Sitting here at my desk , I have some beautiful cards on a stand and today ’ s says ‘ No matter what , your path is yours . Devote every moment of your life to improving your dreams ’.
How apt is this ? A new year , a new chapter that we can write however we wish and by joves , I ’ m going to make it good one . Full of good times , loads of laughter and celebrations just because we can . We have plans – loads of them , not all big ones , but ones that are important to us . We will tackle the last year of a uni degree , a HSC and the start of year 7 with calmness and we will acknowledge along the way , all the great things that come our way . Take the time to make a plan , with small things that mean something to you . Enjoy this issue ,