On the Coast – Families Issue 92 | February / March 18 | Page 26

The Wind in the Tent Flys The Trials and Tribulations of mother plus 2 children camping by Julie Hale T he day dawns on the day of departure for a weekend camping holiday with Mother and two children, to a camping ground close to home. Planning to arrive early to enjoy the facilities all day. 7am Mother rises, Children sleep, Father takes daughter’s dog for a walk. 8am Mother has breakfasted, showered, packed her bag and planned the camping requirements, menu, shopping list and 26 KIDZ O N T H E C OA ST departure time. Father has walked the dog and breakfasted, and Then joins the Children, AND the Dog in bed having tickling competitions! Neither father nor dog are going camping, but are happily distracting the children from their preparation. Needless to say, Mother is not happy. Children thereafter attempt to make amends quickly packing amidst, comments like “we didn’t know the time”, “can’t we just go later” etc. Meanwhile, Mother prepares tent, food, etc and lines up the bags and boxes in the hallway ready for the car. One child packs their bag, walks past the camping equipment to sit and play online ‘space invaders’ not noticing said camping items ready to put in the car. Finally, all set, we depart, and arrive and check in at camp without incident and collect wifi passcodes! Forecast is for unrelenting wind, so there is no choice but for Mother and teen daughter to battle the wind to put up the tent. Thwarted by insufficient