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three counties column Each month Richard Knight will feature an item from Three Counties Hospital from his collection of history and memorabilia. Dr Fuller medical superintendent at Three Counties Asylum from 19101935. He served 25 years of loyal and unblemished service until his death on the 15th March 1935. Dr Laurence Otway Fuller ( M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P.Lond), was a handsome man who was very popular with the young nurses at the time. He took up his position on the 10th December 1910 after being chosen over 42 other applicants. He bought in many changes to Three Counties including cutting the free beer allowance, this sounded harsh at first but employees wanted more money so instead of the free beer the staff were given a raise which pleased them and made him popular as a firm but fair man. After the closure of the brewery the old building was converted to a cheese making plant and Dr. Fullers wife Maud took on the job of cheese manufacturing with the help from trusted patients. Dr Fuller was a man of high morals, He was very intolerant of the abuse of patients on any level ,several attendants were dismissed for this offence during the time he held his position at TCA ,He would not tolerate drinking on duty, again several staff were dismissed for this offence, just the slight smell of alcohol on an employee’s breath could be enough for dismissal. He could not abide immoral behaviour among staff and sacked a married male and a single female who “practically” admitted to such an offence. He was responsible for the better accuracy of keeping patient records, something that had been somewhat lacking in previous years, Dr Fuller believed that very accurate records must be kept to build up a case for each patient ,The patient’s well being and the state of their mental condition had to be asses