useful numbers
1st Arlesey Scout Group
Contact Group Scout Leader Stuart McGuire on: 07762 732661
Acre Wood Day Nursery
For more information please contact Peter Cremin 01462 835550 or visit
Arlesey Youth Club
For more information on Make a Difference (MaD) and how to get involved in
anyway please visit our website phone MaD on 01908 231312,
email [email protected]
Central Beds Council
For further information or to book your place contact Pete on 07880 605377,
email: [email protected] or go to:
e: [email protected]
Councillor for Arlesey Ward – Ian Dalgarno: 01462 735510
Councillor for Arlesey Ward – Mrs Rita Drinkwater: 01462 850187
Edgeworth House, 121 High Street, Arlesey, Beds, SG15 6SX.
Tel: 01462 622222 Fax: 01462 622111
If you would like further information please contact the school on 01462 730391
Email [email protected] or visit
For more information please contact Sensei Tan 01462 730551 email
[email protected] or visit
High Street, Arlesey, SG15 6SL. Contact: 01462 732002
Aisle O’var Backswording Clubbe Ltd
Arlesey Arts
Arlesey Karate Club (Jksk)
Etonbury Academy
Gothic Mede Lower School
Neighbourhood Watch
Arlesey Community Safety Group
Contact Hugh Harper on: 01462 731891
Area Co-ordinator: John Button. 34, Church Lane, Arlesey,
Bedfordshire. SG15 6UL. Contact: 01462 732419
Contact Christina Harris on: 01462 734076
ACORN – Arlesey Conservation for Nature
For details of groups call 01462 730623 or email [email protected] or
Arlesey Girlguides
Red Bear Childrens Centre
Ringmaster – Community Messaging System
Rainbows (5 – 7 years) Sue 01462 643231 or 07890 148478
Brownies (7 – 10 years) Julia 01462 451053
Guides (10 – 14 years) Helen 01462 733248
Senior Section - Rangers & Young Leaders (14 – 26 years)
Contact Sue on: 01462 643231 or 07890 148478
Anyone that joins Neighbourhood Watch is automatically joined.
High Street, Arlesey, Bedfordshire . SG15 6SN
Contact: 01462 628128
Church Lane, Arlesey, Bedfordshire, SG15 6UX. Contact: 01462 731227
Arlesey Medical Centre
Royal British Legion
Poppy Appeal Organiser for Arlesey – Mr. Vic Williams. Contact: 07746 464260
Royal British Legion local branch secretary David Langridge Contact: 01462 734133
St Peters Church
Team Te-Ma Fitness
High Street, Arlesey SG15 6SW Contact: Rev Bob Forrest
For further information or to book your place contact Pete on 07880 605377
email [email protected] or go to
High Street, Arlesey. Contact: 01462 732168
Contact: Chris White 01462 639468
Contact Roger Watson on: 01462 731963
Contact: Elaine Fox on 01462 735642
For more information call Paula 0794465806
Brian and Katie Juffs. Contact: 01462 638286
Contact: 07815 293670
emergency numbers
Arlesey Methodist Church
Arlesey Nursery School and Childcare Centre
Two Blues Art Group
Vivace Choir
Arlesey Old Moat Nature Reserve
Arlesey Parent And Toddler Group And Toy Library
Please let us know if you have details you would like to add here. For more details
Arlesey Pre-school
including email and web links go online to: www.onthebuttonarlesey/inandaround.html
Arlesey Residents Association
Contact: Hugh Harper 01462 731891
Bedfordshire Police
Arlesey Resource Centre
High Street, Arlesey, SG15 6SN tel & fax: 01462 731469
Arlesey Support Worker
Floating Support Worker
Bromford Support, Mid Beds Cluster. Contact: Laura Rooke
07595 087618 / 01525 862802.
[email protected]
Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. Emergency – 999, Non-emergency 101
Biggleswade Police Station, Station Road, Biggleswade, SG18 8AL
Contact: 01234 841212
Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service
Southfields Road, Kempston Bedford. MK42 7NR
tel: 01234 845000 fax: 01234 845035. Emergency – 999
Gas Emergencies
Arlesey Short Mat Bowls
Smell gas? Call 0800 111 999
Arlesey Social Club
142 London Rd., Biggleswade SG18 8ER. t: 0300 300 8301
for the over 55’s. Contact: Mrs. D. Rix on 01462 731697
High Street, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6SL. Contact: 01462 731361
Arlesey Town Council
Arlesey Community Centre, High Street, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6SN
tel: 01462 733722 fax: 01462 730860
Arlesey Town Football Club
Hitchin Road, Arlesey, Bedfordshire. SG15 6RS. Contact: 01462 734504
Arlesey Town Youth Football Club
For more information Contact Steve Hazelwood 01462 732147 or 07867 860872
Email: [email protected] visit club website:
Arlesey Village Agent
Barbara Moran. tel: 07548 122023 email: [email protected]
Arlesey Women’s Institute
High Street, Arlesey. Postal address: 21 Stotfold Road, Arlesey, SG15 6XL.
Contact: 01462 638286
Central Bedfordshire Social Services
live train times
tickets and trains
local directory
For a list of local companies, go to our Business Directory online at:
to advertise telephone: 01462 834265 or go to the website:
August 2013