On-side Issue 01 Sept-Oct 14 | Page 4

hildren across the North-West were kept busy this summer with a variety of activities, delivered by the Little Sports Coaching Coaches, at four venues - Gorton, Cheadle, Wilmslow and Crewe.

Running from the end of July until the end of August, each centre witnessed remarkable numbers as children flocked to the venues to take part in a variety of activities.

At each centre, children, aged 4 to 12 had the opportunity to participate in one of three coures; Olympians, Mini Soccer or Rhythmix.

As well as hosting sessions for the general public, the coaches also delvered FC Sports Holiday Camps, as well as supporting the Cheadle Hulme High School transition programme.

Work is already well under way of the next holiday period, which will be the October Half Term.



Is a multi-sport programme which allows children to get a taste of a number of sports throughout the week.

Children are given the opportunity to try tag-rugby, cricket, athletics, dodgeball, handball, tennis plus much more.

Each session is designed to be fun and inclusive with the children learning and developing through play

Holiday Fun


A parents view:

" It's been brilliant! All the coaches have been great"

Wilmslow Parent

Record breaking