athletes demand a lot from their bodies.
Robert is no different. Expressions like
“play through the pain” sum up the danger
posed by overly competitive athletes. The
body needs to rest post competition and,
perhaps most importantly, post injury. Part
of Robert’s job is to be patient.
Even when ample time is available,
athletes are not always great at sticking to
rehabilitation regimens. “Rehab exercises
often pose challenges to clinicians and
patients. Clinicians need to develop
exercises that are sport specific to help
restore ideal functioning. Athletes may find
them tedious compared to their normal
training regime,” Dr. Smith explains.
Striking the right balance is critical. That
open dialogue becomes invaluable during
rehabilitation phases.
Dr. Chen reiterated that perspective.
She points out the cumulative impact of
Robert’s endurance-based competition and
his paralysis. These two realities of Robert’s
life put additional strain on the muscles,
joints and bones that he depends on for
mobility and independence. “Competition
is part of his mental health,” Dr. Chen
said, adding that she remains “on the
lookout for injury and prevention.”
obert’s case is more complex
than the average athletic patient.
In addition to helping Robert
remain competitive, maintaining the gains
he has made in his recovery is important.
The fight against scar tissue is a big part
of any athlete’s treatment. Maintaining
flexibility and proper movement in the
joints surrounding his injured tissues is an
ongoing challenge.
Following Robert’s competitions,
Karges focusses in on any new injuries
Dr. Carole Smith, Robert Buren and RMT
Leah Karges at Your Heath Wellness Clinic.
ON Chiropractic
When we are treating our athletic
patients close to their competitions or games
we adjust our treatments accordingly.”
~ Dr. Carole Smith
he may have sustained and then returns
to the work of helping improve range of
motion and treating scar tissue adhesions.
Like many athletes, a primary restriction
of range of motion is scar tissue adhesions.
Robert’s team combines a variety of
techniques to manage this reality of his case.
This is an application of the
periodization approach. As athletes
competition times approach, their intensity
levels will increase. This can be reflected
in their workout regimens. Reducing
the impact of treatments and focussing
on maintenance, range of motion and
circulation help manage the physical stress
of these periods on their bodies.
In addition to joint manipulation,
chiropractors use a variety of soft tissue
techniques to break up