ON Chiropractic Spring 2016 | Page 7

ON Chiropractic Get the Hips Moving As a profession, chiropractors are particularly attuned to looking at the whole body and finding connections that help patients to recover full function. When working with patients with hip problems, particularly older patients, there are three main goals: 1. Building strength, balance and mobility in the hips to spare the spine. 2. Enhancing and preserving the patient’s overall function, capability and confidence. 3. Empowering the patient to take charge of their own health. Manual Techniques Manual techniques you may wish to use when restoring hip function in your patients include: ∞∞ Sacroiliac joint manipulation. ∞∞ Lumbar manipulation. ∞∞ Hip long axis distraction. ∞∞ Hip anterior to posterior mobilization, ∞∞ Hip posterior to anterior mobilization with some external rotation. ∞∞ Lateral glide mobilizations with a belt. ∞∞ Proximal tibular-fibular joint mobilization (especially if dealing 90/90 hip opening mobility stretches with Dr. Andreo Spina with a unilateral hip issue like osteoarthritis). ∞∞ Soft tissue work on the gluteus maximus/medius complex, hip rotators, joint capsule, adductor muscle complex and posterior pelvic ligaments. Patient Exercises for Hip Mobility, Flexibility and Balance Helpful patient exercises include: ∞∞ Stretches of the glutes, hip flexor and rotator and adductor. ∞∞ Supine bent-knee hip internal rotation to affect the posterior joint capsule. ∞∞ Dynamic stretches and movements including squat progressions, sit-tostand, lunges to a raised surface and quadruped rocking. ∞∞ Hip abduction on a foam roller. ∞∞ “Monster walks” using an exercise band. Flow hip mobility warm up with Dean Somerset ∞∞ Balance exercises such as standing on a single leg with support with the eyes open. This exercise can be made progressive by removing support, closing the eyes, shifting weight or using an unstable surface such as a pillow. Dr. Thistle also recommends functional movement stretches for the hips, such as: ∞∞ 90/90 hip opening mobility stretches with Dr. Andreo Spina: www.youtube. com/watch?v=nLuvQCTPrcY ∞∞ Flow hip mobility warm up with Dean Somerset, a Certified Exercise Physiologist: www.youtube.com/ watch?v=XH0b7T_LSkY The OCA would like to thank Dr. Shawn Thistle at RRS Education for his assistance in preparation of this article. For more information about RRS Education’s Research Reviews, Seminars and Online Courses, please visit rrseducation.com. Spine Sparing Strategies: Hip Mobility & Healthy Aging Dr. Shawn Thistle reviews the evidence on the relationship between hip mobility and lumbar spine function and demonstrates simple spine-sparing treatment and exercise techniques for your older patients. www.chiropractic.on.ca/spine-sparing-strategies www.chiropractic.on.ca 7