ON Chiropractic Spring 2016 | Page 25

ON Chiropractic
When your patient has a new plan , elicit a new commitment statement and ask them to estimate their confidence level for this new plan . If they have a confidence level of seven or higher , proceed to Question Three .
Would it be Helpful to Set Up a Check on How Things are Going With Your Plan ?
Arranging a time to check in encourages the patient to be accountable for their plan , and it reminds them that you are on their team . “ Research supports that people are more likely to follow through with a plan if they choose to report back their progress and suggests that checking-in frequently earlier in the process is helpful .” 7 It can be helpful to check in on the plan within the next week or two .
When setting up a check in , give the patient options . Some patients will prefer to speak with you . Some will prefer to check in with a partner or a friend , while others will prefer to self-report by using a calendar or an app . You may also wish to offer the services of your clinic staff at this point . If your patient is open to doing progress checks with a chiropractic health assistant ( CHA ), delegating this task can help you save time .
Skill : Progress Check
A progress check allows you to recognize and celebrate success — including partial success . Patients tend to discount partial success , focusing on where they failed . You can help them recognize where they succeeded . This is also a chance to ask your patient what they would like to do next , maintaining the momentum of behaviour change .
If your patient did not make any progress in their plan , you can reassure them that this is not uncommon . Change is difficult ! You can explore what happened and what they can change to make the plan more achievable for them . It is important to provide support and encouragement regardless of the outcome .
Finally , if a patient is habitually unsuccessful , BAP may not be the right tool for them . It is important to help each patient to build confidence and self-efficacy , and a series of failures can undermine this . As with all tools and modalities , let your best judgement and your patient ’ s preferences guide you .
There are several video demonstrations of BAP in practice available online :
∞∞ Complex Patient ( Going for a Walk ): youtu . be / v7rNXZ6Rr00
Low Back Pain ( Taking Breaks From Sitting At Work ): youtu . be / bUYufpFN-Yk
Rheumatoid Arthritis ( Going for a Walk ): youtu . be / c4cXGW2L1qc
Ms . Ng : Well , Tuesdays are pretty busy for me . Sometimes I don ’ t get to eat lunch until later in the day . I ’ m not sure if I would actually make it to the class on those days . Wednesdays are usually better , so maybe I should plan for that instead , even if I wouldn ’ t be with my friend .
Dr . Smith : That sounds like a good solution . Can you repeat your new plan back to me , please ?
Ms . Ng : Okay , I am going to go to a yoga class at lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays . I ’ ll start this Friday .
Dr . Smith : And how sure are you now , with this change ?
Ms . Ng : Now I think I am an eight . Wednesdays are easier for me .
Dr . Smith : That ’ s great . Would it be helpful to set up a check on your plan ? I could have Alicia call you if you ’ d like , or we could talk about it next time you ’ re in or you could keep track of it in a calendar .
Ms . Ng : I ’ d love it if Alicia could give me a call . I think that will help me remember to go . www . . chiropractic . on . ca 25