ON Chiropractic Spring 2016 | Page 17

ON Chiropractic their first appointment or they’ve been coming to you for years. agreed upon by both the practitioner and the patient. Once all of their questions are answered, offer alternate forms of treatment. If alternative treatments such as rest, exercise or other therapies could help your patient’s condition, it is important to share this information. This allows your patient to make an educated decision. If an informed consent form has not been renewed recently, some EHRs will remind you to follow up with the patient. If your patient agrees to continue with the treatment you have suggested, they can date and sign the informed consent form. record keeping and informed consent, the OCA and the CCPA are here for you: OCA: [email protected] or 1-877-327-2273 (local: 416-860-0070) CCPA: [email protected] or 1-800-668-2076 (local: 416-781-5656) More Information The OCA would like to thank Dr. Greg Dunn and Dr. Dean Wright from the CCPA for their assistance with this article. For support and advice on The CCPA believes that the informed consent process is not effective if it is done without the practitioner present. Simply asking patients to read and sign the form while waiting for their appointment to start doesn’t promote a full understanding of their diagnosis or proposed treatment. For this reason, the CCPA advises practitioners to obtain informed consent in the treatment room after a discussion with your patient. When reviewing your informed consent procedures, you may wish to consult the CCO’s Standard of Practice S-013: Consent. Informed Consent and EHRs EHRs make it easy to access the patient’s full history of informed consent. This history is extremely useful when dealing with legal situations because it shows that that the performed treatment was The CCPA presents on how to mitigate risk and liability when using EHRs in your clinic. You’ll learn how EHRs can be used for informed consent, roadmaps to care, practice protection and consistently excellent patient care. www.chiropractic.on.ca/event/protecting-your-practice-and-electronic-health-records www.chiropractic.on.ca 17