ON Chiropractic Fall 2017 | Page 6

OCA ADVERTISING: IT’S THE SIMPLE THINGS In 2016, the OCA made the decision to invest in a new marketing campaign that would include a new broadcast advertisement as its centrepiece. T he timing was right. Research shows that Ontario utilization has climbed to over 20% in recent years as chiropractors are increasingly seen as part of a person’s regular healthcare team and the profession is becoming a more prominent part of Ontario’s healthcare system through collaborative approaches to care, a greater presence in hospitals and government funding for joint projects to address pain management issues. As we began the work of crafting what our key message was going to be, we interviewed stakeholders, patients and members, and we reviewed research or surveys looking for key insights. A few interesting facts emerged. To most Ontarians, visiting a practitioner like a chiropractor is done on an “as needed” basis. You go when you have a condition or need treatment. It’s similar to purchasing a car. When you are in the market for a vehicle, you are going to be more aware of car-based marketing. Otherwise, it fades in the background. 6 FALL 2017 In much of the research we looked at, the number one reason that patients say they haven’t gone to see a chiropractor is not because of reputational issues, or even price, but simply because “they did not need to.” But our research also showed that low back pain alone is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, affecting over 80% of the population at some point in their lives. So why are so many Ontarians saying they don’t need to see a chiropractor? The answer may lie in the rationalization of pain. Too many of us make excuses when it comes to the impact that pain has in our lives. “It’s not that big of a deal” and “I’ve gotten used to it” are sentiments that many chiropractors hear constantly in their practice. Many times when you first feel pain, it’s constantly top of mind. But as time goes on, people just learn to live with it and adjust the way they live and how they go about their lives. That shouldn’t be normal. That’s why the campaign is focused on making Ontarians realize that our lives are made up of a series of small moments. We all experience common every day rituals like getting out of bed, going up a set of stairs, lifting a child or simply getting dressed. When pain enters the picture, those simple things can become insurmountable obstacles. That set of stairs can feel like an insurmountable mountain. Our Simple Things campaign tells Ontarians that struggling through those moments isn’t normal, that they should be able to live their lives to the full extent of their ability, free from pain, and that a chiropractor can help them get there. Once the advertisement was created, our plan called for a number of different tactics that can reach out to Ontarians across the province. We wanted to be continually in market so that we could reach potential patients whenever they needed to see a chiropractor. We wanted to drive traffic to our website’s Chiropractor Locator and we wanted to leverage our broadcast video into a digital environment to stretch our budget as far as it could go.