The fruitful Train & Multiply church planting principles are being introduced
in Estonia as a number of denominations sense a need to plant churches
and motivate lay people to be involved in ministry. Pray that God will
open hearts and lead a new wave of church planting in this nation.
Last fall, a group of 40
students from the OMS-related Koinonia
Theological Centre attended a
retreat on missions and evangeli-
zation. They put their learning into
practice when they went into the streets
of El Escorial, near Madrid, to share the
Gospel and pray for healing for those who passed by. Three
people came to faith and several others were healed.
South Korea
Twenty-one new missionaries finished their training and were commis-
sioned by the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church in September. Since
then, they have been raising prayer and financial support and preparing
to leave for their mission fields in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.