which includes regularly praying
for the leaders.
In August 2016, Chris invited
two people to attend a new T&M
training. By the following Febru-
ary, those two new leaders had
started six groups. One of the lead-
ers, a young mother called Faith,*
established 5 of those groups with
50 new believers. A year later, the
church had 8 groups with 90 new
believers. Faith, with Chris’ help, is
coaching four new leaders, all young
women, whom she brought to the train-
ing in September 2017.
Despite opposition, T&M is a growing
concept in this region of Asia, effectively
reaching the lost for Christ. One pastor,
partnering with a local humanitarian aid or-
ganization, has managed to start worshiping
groups in areas with no current churches, areas
he was previously discouraged from entering.
The people in the churches can see God at
work through the training, and many are now asking
to become leaders, including the three people who
had become discouraged and quit.
For more information on Train & Multiply, visit the
*Names changed for security reasons.