Anna Long – Hungary
Anna will join the One Mission Society team in Hungary, with her primary role being a speech
therapist at the International Christian School of Budapest (ICSB). Her desire is to serve mission-
ary families who otherwise might feel torn between their calling and providing their children the
special services they need to excel in school.
USA: (account #802624) - 11% funded
Jennifer Riggs – Ecuador
Jennifer is an OMS missionary in Loja, Ecuador, helping others reach children for Christ. She
works alongside teachers and children’s ministry leaders to encourage them in their ministries
in the local churches.
USA: (account #802389) - 79% funded
Sadie Sprankle – Ukraine
Sadie served short term in Ukraine and now will serve two more years there, working with
university students and young adults. She will lead English clubs and help lead English camps
as part of a larger outreach to pre-Christians in Ukraine. She will also help establish a network
of worshiping home groups made up of new believers and seekers.
USA: (account #802630) - 26% funded
K Lau* – Asia
K will serve in Asia. Her primary role will be to strengthen the church through building young
leaders. K will use her skills as a counselor and mentor to help young people in the church grow
to their full potential in Christ.
Austrailia: (account #628724) - Just
beginning to fund … *Name omitted for security.
Please pray about how you might be able to help these
missionaries fulfill their missionary assignments.
To give, tap on the link, or send your check to: One Mission Society, PO Box 1648,
Monument CO 80132-1648. To give to any OMS missionary, tap here.