Between 30 and 50 people a day have given their lives to Christ in Bulgaria
since an OMS short-term team from Spain joined with Bulgarians to make
Christ known in several unchurched villages. The goal was to start one
new worshiping group per village, but due to this move of God’s Spirit,
several villages have begun even more.
In July, OMS Hungary led two camps with 51 total students
and 34 volunteers and staff. They worked with a new church
partner in Budapest, thus impacting many more students than
they would have otherwise been able to.
Cote d’Ivoire
OMS’ Village Church
Planting (VCP) ministry
added three volunteer training
centers in Cote d’Ivoire in July 2017.
Local churches provide the trainer and the
site. OMS trains the trainer and provides
materials for the church to print. These
centers will each produce dozens of new
churches over the next few years.
OMS Australia executive director Ian Bongers and his wife
Josie met Candy, a local Chinese shop worker, on their first
trip to Santo, Vanuatu, five years ago. They soon realized she
would be their person of peace. Since then, Nanjoo, a Korean
missionary, has faithfully discipled Candy. Today, these two women
lead a small group. They urgently need Chinese and English Bible study
materials, as well as more workers.