sharing what he has done in our lives.
As we made our way to the bus, another
curious local asked me what we were do-
ing. I explained that we had been in her
town to share about Jesus, but we were
leaving now. She pleaded with me to teach
her about Jesus before I left. The harvest is
truly ripe. People are waiting to hear about
the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.
Missional mindsets are evolving. Lay-
men are no longer assuming that it’s only
the pastor’s responsibility to share about
Jesus. The local church is beginning to un-
derstand that they must take Jesus outside
the church doors. Missionaries are learn-
ing that they don’t need to have all the an-
swers and programs, but we just need to
come alongside our brothers and sisters in
Christ, to encourage and support the call
that God has put on their lives.
Saturation Colombia is a national part-
ner of One Mission Society. It serves 35 de-
nominations throughout Colombia, training
churches in evangelism, discipleship, and
church planting. Saturation Colombia uses
OMS’ Men for Missions evangelism teams
to train and equip Colombians to obey the
Great Commission.
Saturation Colombia is multiplying rapid-
ly in response to the ripe harvest throughout
Colombia, and now Latin America, as simi-
lar programs begin in Panama, Venezuela,
Mexico, Ecuador, and Nicaragua. As evan-
gelism teams come, we pray that their heart
for the lost wil be ignited and they will return
home with a fire to reach those in their own
As Warren Hardig, longtime Men for
Missions leader, says, “It’s an exciting time
to be involved in missions!”
Do you want to join a short-term team?
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