OMS Outreach September-December Volume 2, No.3 | Page 18

Living a Legacy: While Mike “Jesse” Murphy and Lorena Fay Smith were both preparing to serve the Lord as missionaries when they met as students at Taylor University in Indiana, they couldn’t have dreamed of the impact their lives would have for God’s kingdom as they faithfully served together in Brazil for more than 40 years. Mike and Lorena married August 21, 1954, and moved to Wilmore, Kentucky, where Mike studied at Asbury Theological Seminary and Lorena finished her undergraduate degree at Asbury University. Their two older children, Scott (an OMS missionary currently serving in Spain) and Valerie, were born during this time. After com- pleting their education, the family sailed to Brazil in August of 1960. Following language study, they moved to the interior city of Londrina. Their third child, Jeff, was born there. Mike and Lorena worked in a variety of ministries during their missionary service. Both were greatly loved by the Brazilian people. Mike’s outgoing and dynamic personality led him to many ministries, including teaching in the OMS Bible Seminary, produc- ing radio and television programs, counseling, directing couples’ retreats, and church planting. Mike and Lorena Murphy By Fran Noah, OMS Special Assignment Missionary to Brazil One of the radio programs that Mike directed was Waves of Peace, which began in 1962. Late OMS missionary Melva Webb wrote, “The pro- gram aired 15 minutes daily and 30 minutes on Sundays and consisted of music, evangelistic programs, dramatized stories, children’s programs, Bible studies, and youth outreach.” At one time, it was rated as Brazil’s number one religious broadcast, reaching many people with the Gospel. Mike also led two singing tours in the 1970s. A former member, Duzila Viera Goulart, shared, “Forty-three years ago, our group traveled to the U.S. and Canada under Jesse’s leadership. I am grateful to him and his family for his love for the Brazilian people, and especially our group.” In later years, Mike and Lorena moved into the pastorate. He served as senior pastor of the Londrina OMS Central Missionary Church. Sometime later, they were invited to be the founding leaders of the new OMS church, Shalom Community Church. The first services were held in the renovated seminary chapel, but later, Mike led the construction of a new facility on the 18