OMS Outreach September-December Volume 2, No.3 | Page 16

Education for Life

Compiled by OMS Communications team
José Jacó Vieira grew up in a poor family in the city of Maringá , Brazil . He recalls that often all they had to eat was squash . The OMS-related Maringá Church donated food to Jacó ´ s family , so they decided to check out the church . There , they heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus . Hearing the call to ministry soon thereafter , Jacó studied at Londrina Bible Seminary while helping in the Maringá church . Under his leadership , the church grew from about 400 members to more than 4,000 . The denomination elected Jacó president , and under his leadership , it partnered with the OMS Living Word Church in Mozambique to share the vision and methods used in the CONIM ( OMS-related denomination ) churches in Brazil . CONIM recently joined in the Billion . Global Vision effort to reach a billion people with the Gospel by 2026 .
Jacó credits much of his ministry success to his seminary education and constantly challenges young men and women to enter the ministry .
“ And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men , who will be able to teach others also ...” — 2 Timothy 2:2
Leadership training through theological education is a primary focus of One Mission Society . This specialized discipleship equips national leaders for the many challenges they face in church leadership . Through both formal and informal training , students learn to study , live out , and dynamically proclaim the message of the Bible and the Good News of Jesus Christ .