at the
By R*
The Cuban Church Grows
Pastor Ariel worked as an IT professional for the telephone com-
pany in Cuba. As an active lay leader in his church, he was selected
as one of two leaders for further training. Those participating re-
ceived 140 hours of training in evangelism, church planting, and
leadership development. Ariel set a goal to start four new groups
and a training center in his church. That was a large goal, but
he did it.
After completing his course work, he started classes
through distance learning with his denominational seminary.
When his pastor decided to leave Cuba, the congregation
called on Ariel to become their new pastor. In May of 2016,
he was installed as the pastor, leaving his secular job, along
with the security and government benefits that came with it.
Ariel continues to serve the Lord and learn all he can.
He now provides leadership to a traditional local church and
more than 20 home group ministry leaders. He has also en-
rolled in the seminary’s bachelor degree program to further his
skills and abilities and has read many books on leadership.
Without these training centers and the intentional development
of next generation leaders like Ariel, the church in Cuba would be in
desperate times. Young leaders are now stepping into new and larger
leadership roles to provide the Cuban church with new ideas and energy.
Over the past 20 years, the Cuban church has grown exponentially,