Life Lessons From India
By Roger Kruse OMS India Field Leader
I remember the culture shock and intrigue that both repulsed and attracted me on my first visit to India in 1976 . As I made heartfelt connections with Indian Christians in a horrendously poor slum in Mumbai , I cried . My parents probably thought I looked like “ death warmed over ” when I arrived at the Cleveland airport after being quite sick on the long trip home . No wonder they hesitated when I announced in 1980 that I was going back to live and minister there full time ! Nevertheless , they were delighted when I returned two years later with my wife Glenda , a New Zealand girl that I met in Chennai . Now , I am blessed to travel to India three times a year as a missionary with One Mission Society . Since 2009 , I have made the 7,000-mile journey there and back well over 20 times .
Discerning God ’ s will for our lives involves knowing God ’ s Word , following the Holy Spirit ’ s leadership , interacting and getting feedback from people who know us best , and discerning life circumstances that are always changing . For a guy that usually prefers the relatively safe and predictable life found in Middlefield , Ohio , India is a surprising destination . Yet , God , in his wisdom , has allowed me to invest myself there in ways that have given me amazing joy and fulfillment . So , just what has India taught me ? What life lessons can I share that may help you ?
1 . We are incredibly blessed in the Western world . Instead of complaining , we ought to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and contentment for God ’ s goodness .
2 . Every culture has different practices and unique ways of celebrating life . Be willing to experience new things and discover an appreciation for the diversity of life expressed in ways that are different from ours .
3 . Sharing what we have and giving generously to others increases our joy and fulfills God ’ s purpose for us to love our neighbor . ( The Indian people always demonstrate warm and even sacrificial hospitality .)
4 . People matter most — not schedules , assignments , or pressing agendas . See life through the lens of how we can connect and encourage those we meet each day .
5 . Hardship and suffering will likely come knocking at our door . Survival depends on faith , prayer , endurance , and maintaining hope for the help that God will send our way . Miracles can and do happen !
6 . Ordinary people can do extraordinary things ! Lack of education , physical disability , disadvantages of family background , financial limitations , or unlikely location need not hold you back . God uses people like you and me to help change the world for the better !
Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow . By definition , every disciple of Jesus is called to be a learner . Look around and reach out in love to those who have come from other nations . We are all precious in God ’ s sight .