As Christians, we are taught to place our lives in God’s hands, to
fully trust and depend on his care. But when our faith is stretched
and tested can we radically depend on him?
We hope you are challenged,
inspired, and encouraged by the
story of this faithful OMS family,
serving in a secure country.
You’re North American. Why
did you choose to take your
family of six to serve in Asia,
so far from home?
Missionary M:
It was God’s call. We came to realize that the
place we would be most content and fulfilled
would be wherever God wanted us to be. So
we needed to be committed and obedient and
do it.
You have a son with life-threatening physical challenges, yet
you serve in a country that is
not medically advanced. How
do you have the faith to do this?
Missionary M:
It’s scary, but God challenged us at one point:
“Who do you trust more? Me or a medical
system?” We also came to realize that if God
gives you a clear plan, then there is no need
for a backup plan. So, we prayed for a clear
sign. We prayed for six months, and all we
heard was silence. Then, one day, the message was very clear from the Word. So clear,
in fact, there was no question! But even after
that, he confirmed his plan clearly in other
ways. He wanted us to go, so we were able to
move forward with confidence.
You’re in a country where
security is an everyday
issue. You have also lived
through a deadly earthquake, a serious flood, and
several medical emergencies within the family. Do
you ever ask God if you’re
going to get a break?
Missionary M:
He’s been faithful to give us a break between
each crisis. Sometimes, it’s just enough to rest
and ready ourselves for the next thing, but it’s
always enough. I have questioned people in
my mind—why is no one helping me, or why
are they actually making our lives harder. But
I choose not to let the frustration get me discouraged.
In the early years on the field, we lived with a
bag packed and ready to go at any moment
in case we got kicked out. Today, we feel the
watchful eye of the government, but we also
feel more comfortable overall, knowing that
our lives are in the Lord’s hands. If he wants
us here, he’ll keep us here.