Office of the President
Frog on My Shelf
Esther and I offer a
to the One Mission
Society family for
graciously adopting
us. We feel warmly
welcomed and have
been overwhelmed
by the undeserved kindness shown to us.
The biggest and greatest gift given to us by
several is the assurance of their prayers.
Our sense of needing God, of knowing that
he’s guiding, helping, and empowering us,
is intense. The desire of our hearts is to
serve out of an overflow of a deep love relationship with Christ while walking in all-out
dependence on him.
There is a frog in my office. It’s not a live
frog, nor is it an idol or good luck charm.
Crafted out of metal, it sits on the shelf as
if watching and listening to what is going
on. Some who have seen it have commented, “Oh, that’s a cute frog. Why is it sitting
Esther gave me this frog a few years ago
to serve as a constant reminder of an important truth embedded in Psalm 20:7, “Some
trust in chariots and some in horses, but we
trust in the name of the Lord our God.” The
meaning of the frog in my office is that God
is fully dependable and faithful. He is completely trustworthy. Therefore, we can Fully
Rely On God!