grade year, we both participated in our
church’s junior high mission trip. In addition to the other tasks, Michael offered to
shoot video, and then after we returned, I
helped him edit it.
At the start of Michael’s eighth grade
year, I asked if he wanted to do a one-onone Bible study. He said maybe; he wanted to pray about it. Five months later, he
agreed. We started the following week. I
was nervous, so we made dinner together,
since cooking relaxes me, and then, we
studied the Bible.
The following summer, Michael shot video
on another mission trip, and after he returned,
again I helped him edit that video. When he
started high school, I asked Michael and a
couple of his friends to be official summer
interns in the Communications Department
at the One Mission Society World Headquarters. So, for three summers, the four
interns edited videos, helped set up for
International Conference, archived old
slides, and heard stories of what God was
doing all over the world. I think that was
the beginning of Michael’s interest in becoming a videographer.
For 4½ years, Michael and I met almost
every week for Bible study, and each summer
throughout high school, Michael interned
with OMS until he left for college, where he
decided to major in video/film.
During his sophomore year, he heard
clearly from the Lord that he was to focus
his major on kingdom building. At the time,
he had no idea how that would manifest
itself since he wanted to work in the movie
industry, but he moved forward in obedience.
As Michael was nearing his graduation,
he prayed about his future, sought counsel
from his sister (a missionary in the Dominican
Republic), and “happened” to run into a
former OMS missionary videographer who
had just left OMS. She told Michael of the
need OMS had, and Michael knew the Lord
was telling him this was the plan for him.
In April 2014, Michael was accepted
as a full-time career missionary with One
Mission Society. In September 2014, he
married Morgan. Today, he is raising funds,
with hopes to begin ministry as an OMS
video editor in early 2015.
So, from a 14-year-old summer intern
to a career missionary, God has brought
Michael to OMS for such a time as this.
photo page 28: OMS missionary candidate Michael Gearhart
photos page 29, top: Morgan and Michael Gearhart bottom:
Michael Gearhart and Brian Davault, OMS Communications
interns during the summer of 2005, with OMS missionary
Mark Din