Hand in Hand
With God
By Carroll Ferguson Rader,
Retired OMS Missionary
How could
it come to this?
What had he
done to bring
such injustice
down on his
When Harry Lee gave his life to the Lord,
he withheld nothing. Born and raised in
Shanghai, China, as the treasure of his
family, he focused his goals toward a life of
Christian service.
But China and its citizens were in mortal danger during those dark days of Mao
Tse-tung’s “Cultural Revolution.” As Harry
used his spare time in volunteer work at
his church, evil clouds of persecution and
atheism rolled across the Middle Kingdom,
and many who followed Christ were persecuted and imprisoned for their faith.
Harry Lee was among those thrown in
prison, relying on his faith in Jesus to make
it through. In the foreword of From the
Claws of the Dragon, the story of Harry’s
life, Ruth Bell Graham shares, “This story
tells us of one man who seemingly wasted