Funding OMS Candidates/Missionaries
Here are a few of our missionaries that need additional funding. For a complete list, please contact Bill Oden at [email protected], or call 317.888.3333, ext. 305.
Still Happen
By Lori Long, Assistant to the President, One Mission Society
Rich Danzeisen — USA — Church Relations Rich will serve as director of Church Relations. 50% funded/project #802506
Uncle Bud and Aunt Hazel Kilbourne (son of OMS cofounder Ernest Kilbourne) made a survey trip to India after the OMS Board voted to enter the country in 1939. They were traveling overnight by train when the train made a routine stop. The Holy Spirit wakened Uncle Bud and impressed upon him that this was the location where OMS was to set up its first ministry. Uncle Bud opened the window and called out, as the train started to pull away, “Where are we?” Someone shouted back, “Allahabad.” OMS began ministry in Allahabad, and the Allahabad Bible Seminary opened soon after in July 1942. Recent successes of ABS include the outreach ministry by seminary students into the villages. They have started house churches and even built churches in villages where not long ago, student ministers were driven away by force. In April, David and I visited one of these village outreaches in Khelwa, where we met Nanki Devi and her husband Metai Lai and heard the story of their son’s illness. He had been fishing in the small lake beside their village when soon thereafter, he came down with a fever. It soared so high that they took him to the hospital. He eventually lapsed into a coma, and after several days, the doctors concluded that there was no hope for him. Nanki’s response was that it might be the doctor’s opinion but God hadn’t told her yet that he was not going to answer her prayers. Nanki prayed with the other women in the village for her son’s healing. While her son was in a coma, many villagers told the family this had happened becau 6RF?W??B&V6??R6?&?7F??2?'WB????WF???BF?R?F?W"&V?WfW'2??F?Rf???vR&V???VB7FVFf7B??f?F??B&?W"?v?B?V&BF?V?"&?W'2??Bf?fRF?2?FW"?F?V?"6??v2?W'B?BW&fV7F?vV???F?&?Vv?F??2?V??r?v?B?2?V?VBF??'2f?"'&?FW"???7G'??V??Rg&???F?W"f???vW2&R&WVW7F??rF?R%27GVFV?G2F?f?6?B?B6??GV7B?VWF??w2??F?V?"f???vW2??B?F?W'2&R6???rF????r?W7W22F?V?"??&B?B6f??"?F?W&R?2g&W6??WGv?&???r?bF?R???7?&?B????F?2?F?????B?WF?F??FVBF?R??B?b??Bv?W&RF?Rf???vR6?W&6???r7F?G2???6W'C????FF?S?&???rv?F????B?WF?( ?26??&?GF???WF????'&V???rw&?V?Bf?"F?R?Wr6?W&6???&????WV&?W"( BU4( B?V?f?"?76???2&???v???6W'fR2??d?&Vv????F?&V7F?"f?"??'F?6V?G&?R?2?#bRgV?FVB?&??V7B3?#C? ????6??B?6??F?2( B?W??6???6??B?6????rv?F?F?V?"Gv?6???G&V??&R7W'&V?F??????R76?v??V?B?F?W???F?&WGW&?F??W??6??W?B7V??W"F?FV6???F?R6V??'??SRgV?FVB?&??V7B3????Ff?B?B???2??&V6?W"( BU4( BWfW'?6???V??G?f?"6?&?7BFf?B6W'fW22F?R??FW&?F????v?'6??6??7V?F?Bv?F?WfW'?6???V??G?f?"6?&?7B??Rv???&?f?FRG&????r?FW&??2F??Wr6?&?7F??26?F?W?6?V????FVWW"V?FW'7F?F??r?b&?&?6?v?'6??????2W6W2?W"F???7G&F?fR?B?&v?F????6????2F?76?7BFf?B?B?6?v?&?2v?F?G???2v??V????76???2?3"RgV?FVB?&??V7B3?#C???F??V??B?V???6W?F??( B??F??V??B?V???????rv?F?F?V?"F?&VR6???G&V??&R7W'&V?F??????R76?v??V?B??F?RR?2??&?6??rgV?G2F?&WGW&?F????W?B7V??W"?s2RgV?FVB?&??V7B3?c? ??7FWfR?B????6????W"( BV7VF?"7FWfR?B????v???6W'fR2??7G2BF?RwVW7B??W6R??V?F??V7VF?"?CRRgV?FVB?&??V7B3?#C?@???V6R&?&?WB??r??R?v?B&R&?RF??V?F?W6R?76???&?W2gV?f???F?V?"?76???'?76?v??V?G2?#p??#`???