OMS Outreach Sep - Dec 2015 | Page 21

photo page 20: Rice farm photo page 21: Farmer sun drying rice flatbed rice dryer that uses rice husks (formerly a waste product) as heating fuel. The technology is not new to the country, but it is new to the province here. Currently, sun drying is the primary method they use. This method is, of course, inexpensive but can result in a lower quality product due to excessive handling and drying delays. In contrast, the mechanical dryer dries the rice quickly in all weather conditions with minimal handling, resulting in a greater yield of higher quality product. It also enables the farmers to grow an additional crop each year since they can dry their rice even in the wet season. The technology is appropriate; it’s affordable, maintainable, and transferrable. However, the improvement to their economic well-being is only part of the package. A strong emphasis on their lives being grounded in their relationship with God and invested in joining him in his mission is an equally important part of the approach. Establishing the rice dryer and mill together provides the relational platform upon which to grow disciples. *Name withheld due to security. What Is a Person of Peace? By Carolyn Knight Every Community for Christ One Mission Society Persons of peace are people God has prepared ahead of time to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. They welcome the messengers that God sends their way, and they try to serve or assist the messengers in some way, especially in spreading the Gospel further. Persons of peace are unbelievers who have great potential to be used in growing God’s kingdom. They have three defining qualities in their lives. These qualities include the following: • Being receptive to the Gospel (Matthew 10:40). • Having a reputation in the community (Acts 10). • Being able to refer people to Christian disciples (John 4). Look for Carolyn’s book on this topic, coming out in early 2016. 21