Thousands of mission organizations
and churches exist around the world; yet,
how many of them are we truly connect-
ed to? Often, two mission organizations
work in the same geographical location,
doing the same ministry, yet they don’t
know each other. Our goal in Billion.
Global is to help foster lasting connec-
tions for the sake of Gospel advance-
ment. We hope that partners stay con-
nected beyond 2026, after the vision has
been completed, to continue the work
until all have heard. toward compassion ministries.
This is an alarming epidemic among
Western Christians. Billion.Global seeks
to encourage partners to keep evange-
lism and disciple-making at the forefront
of their ministry priorities.
Disciple-Making Catalyst JOIN
If you are part of a mission organization,
church, or denomination, request to join
the Billion.Global coalition or refer an or-
ganization you think may be a good fit at
How can you get involved?
Visit www.Billion.Global to sign up to re-
ceive prayer requests by email.
According to MissioNexus, in 2005, 70
percent of North American-based mis-
sion organizations focused on evange-
lism and disciple-making as a top priority.
By 2016, only 45 percent of these or-
ganizations had evangelism and disciple-
making as their main focus, shifting more