From the
to the
Peru with the
Gospel of Christ
By Vicki Pasterik, Church Multiplication Facilitator (CMF), Peru
In 2015, One Mission Society began serving in Peru, South America.
My husband Michael, daughter Libby, and I travel to Peru several times
a year under the leadership of OMS’ Every Community for Christ.
Using the Train & Multiply materials, we
teach evangelism and discipleship and
help develop leaders through training
and coaching alongside our national di-
rector, Manuel Lopez.
When we made our first visit as CMFs
to the Amazon in October 2015, we set a
goal to train one man in one village to lead
the people in his community to Christ and
to disciple them in their relationship with
the Lord. When we arrived in the village,
10 men were waiting to be trained. Word
travels fast on the rivers, and they were all
eager to learn how to be disciple-makers.
By the end of that trip, we had trained
35 men. In that first year, we trained 385
people! When we tallied up reports from
the communities where we had done
trainings and active evangelism was tak-
ing place, we were amazed to find that
nearly 3,000 people had made decisions
for Christ in that first year!!
In the beginning, we worked primarily
in the Amazon rainforest, but when one
of the pastors we had trained moved to
the Pacific coast, he called and said, “We
need T&M here! Will you please come
and do training?” We watched as God
began to open doors across the country.
We now work in the Andes Mountains
with the Quechua and Aymara people;
along the coast; and in major cities like
Lima, Cusco, Iquitos, and Trujillo. We
also continue to work with our brothers
and sisters in the Amazon.
In many of the locations where we have
trained, someone has come to us after
the training and said, “God has placed
it on my heart to be involved in this min-
istry. Will you train me to train others?”
To date, we have nearly 30 individu-
als or teams who are part of “Alcanzando