OMS Outreach Online September-December 2021 | Page 5

Are you intrigued by the idea of helping nations that traditionally received missionaries transition to now send missionaries ? Come and join us in global worker mobilization ... you can do this !
Do you have business and entrepreneurial skills to develop kingdom-minded businesses ? Come and join us in business as mission ... you can do this !
Do you find joy in discipling people and watching them grow to disciple others ?
Come and join us as a disciple-maker ... you can do this !
Do you like coaching leaders and helping teams fulfill their potential ?
Come and join us as a leader and team development specialist ... you can do this !
Do you have a passion to see churches grow so that new churches can be planted ?
Come and join us , working in church multiplication ... you can do this !
As you read this issue of OMS Outreach and desire to learn more about these new opportunities to serve with OMS , the Mobilization team and I stand ready to talk with you and help discern your calling . You can do this ! For contact information , see page 2 ( Australia , Canada , New Zealand , and the United Kingdom ) and the back cover ( U . S .).