OMS Outreach Online May-August 2022 | Page 16

From Anywhere to Everywhere

Compiled by Lydia Gard , Associate Editor , Communications
Early in One Mission Society ’ s ( OMS ) history , OMS cofounder Charles Cowman wrote , “ Japan will never be won by foreign missionaries ( alone ) but rather be brought to Christ by her own sons and daughters .”
OMS has always operated based on this foundational understanding — not just in Japan but for all 75 nations where we serve — and thus has made training national believers a high priority since the beginning . We now share a few exciting transitions throughout the OMS world where countries that traditionally received missionaries are now sending missionaries ! We asked Susan Truitt ( ST ), missionary with OMS Korea ;
Rev . S . Duraiswamy ( RD ), who serves with OMS ’ parner ministry , the Evangelical Church of India ( ECI ); Mônica Cristina ( MC ), missionary with OMS Mozambique ; and Chris Williams ( CW ), regional director of the OMS Latin America / Caribbean region to share about such transitions .
OMS Outreach : Susan , how have you seen God working through your OMS field as it transitions from receiving missionaries to sending missionaries ?
ST : The Korea Evangelical Holiness Church ( KEHC ) currently has more than 500 missionaries serving in about 60 countries . The Evangelical Missionary Training Center ( EMTC ) [ in South Korea ] is a training center for KEHC missionary candidates . It is exciting to see so many Korean missionaries being used by God to serve in various countries .