OMS Outreach Online May-August 2021 | Page 7

Jesus said ,

By Jacqui Shatto , Director of OMS World Intercessors
Prayer is not something we do when we can ’ t do anything else . Prayer is something we do when we recognize that God can do more than we ever could . We pray , the Lord works , and he is glorified .
As Jesus sent out the first missionaries to share the hope of the Lord , he knew there weren ’ t enough of them . The need for more to go was great . Taking in the situation , Jesus gave the directive : “ Pray earnestly to the Lord .”
The disciples were not asked to advertise or offer added incentives to recruit more missionaries . They were instructed to pray earnestly to the Lord . Jesus knew prayer was the most powerful step toward bringing those valuable servants to the mission field .
Perhaps Luke 10:2 is what inspired Wesley Duewel , a former One Mission Society ( OMS ) President , to write , “ Prayer is your most Christlike work .” When Jesus saw a need larger than humans alone could fill , he prayed … and he told his people to pray .
Many people recognize the verse Jeremiah 29:11 , which talks about the plans the Lord has for us . As an OMS intercessor , I often hold onto the following verse , Jeremiah 29:12 : “ Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me , and I will hear you .”
The Lord promises to listen to us when we come to him in prayer . The urgency Jesus saw when he was on earth is the same urgency OMS faces today . We need more missionaries willing to serve the Lord around the globe . Our world has grown and includes many people who do not yet know Jesus Christ as their Savior .
OMS is working diligently to share the Good News with at least one billion people ! Today , I ’ m inviting you to join us by praying earnestly , asking the Lord to provide workers . For the past 120 years , God has faithfully answered the prayers of OMS , and he has been glorified .
Now , we encourage you to join something much bigger than yourself , much bigger than us . We invite you to join in God ’ s plan to share the salvation we have in Jesus Christ with people around the world . We invite you to become a world intercessor and to pray with us that God would send those he is preparing , even now , to go forth into the mission field .
Will you commit to pray ? Will you join those who pray daily at 10:02 ( Luke 10:2 ) for God to send the laborers into the fields ? Will you join our intercessors who pray , calling on God to provide ? Will you join in asking the Lord to send at least 10 new missionaries to OMS fields this year ?
The call is now . The call is for you . This could be the “ most Christlike work ” you do today .
If you want to pray with us , please contact me in OMS World Intercessors at jshatto @ onemissionsociety . org . We ’ d love to pray with you !